My library assistant and I tried out three of these apps (we already have Aviary on our iPads here at school , so we know how that works), and we found two that we will most definitely be using!

Ten Things I love:
1. The easy-to-use self timer in the camera part
2. The fact that you can give makeovers (give me a skinnier face and I'll take it!)
3. The 30+ different photo effects (and the fact you don't need to buy more!)
4. The 100+ different framing tools
5. The ease of saving & sharing (to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)
6. The cute stamps that could be added (yes, some have to be bought, but there are plenty free ones there or available for free download!)
7. The fact that it's just so easy.
8. The free photo frame could easily make comic book pages with these, because there are text bubbles.
9. Text options. Because I love words.
10. The way text works.....lets you type, choose font, and choose color VERY easily.
The other app I really like is simple, but powerful..... CamMe. This will be a great app for my family, because we can take "selfies" on a timer when all four of us want to be in a photo....of course, Line Camera can do that with the camera timer too, but this is super easy and does the trick.
I downloaded two more apps for this "thing" and I deleted them almost instantly. I downloaded Color Splurge, and while I was "shopping" for it, I noticed ColorMagic Free, so I figured I'd try that too. The best thing about Color Splurge? The little girl on the icon was cute.
Color Splurge drove me nuts with the constant ads, and although it was pretty easy to figure out, it crashed on me MANY more times than it actually worked. If I needed to colorize one picture, I could probably deal with it, but as a rule, I couldn't use an app like this regularly......way too annoying. The same was the case with ColorMagic Free.....a basic app that would become cool with a 1.99 purchase. It wasn't as easy to use as color splurge, but neither of them impressed me very much anyway. If I were REALLY into colorizing photos, I'd go buy an app with great ratings.
In all, this "thing" was totally worth it. My assistant and I are LOVING Line Camera and I already told one of the teachers about it too.....I'll totally lobby to put this on all our school iPads next year.
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